Italian REMS, limits and critical issues: from a clinical case to the comparison with the European forensic systems

Maria Chiara Alessi 1, Alessio Mosca 1, Gianfranco Stigliano 1, Carolina Lombardi 1, Laura Monti 2, Daniela Pia Rosaria Chieffo 2, Mauro Pettorruso 1, Giovanni Martinotti 1,3, Massimo di Giannantonio 1

1 Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, University of Studies “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, Italy; 2 Fondazione Policlinico Universitario “A. Gemelli” IRCCS, Rome, Italy; 3 Department of Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Clinical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

DOI 10.36148/2284-0249-416

Six years after the Law of 30 May 2014 n. 811, which sanctioned in Italy the closure of the Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals (OPGs) and the establishment of the Residences for the Execution of Security Measures (REMS), there is the need to highlight the criticalities and limits of the new system, starting from an illustrative clinical case and analysing the mode of operation of the major European states’ forensic psychology systems. 

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