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Gulnar Zahirali Alizade
National Aviation Academy

The thesis deals with the issue of investigation of metaphors in Theodore Dreiser's novel “Sister Carrie”. The use of metaphors makes the novel more expressive and imaginary.  
Key words: metaphor, expressive means, stylistic means, fiction, Sister Carrie
The issue of expressiveness in fiction is exceptionally important in the perception of the main idea of the novel. Creative heritage of outstanding writers, such as Theodore Dreiser, always attracted and attracts the attention of most researchers, both linguists and literary critics. Study of language means of these writers bears a great sense for revealing many sides of national literary language as a whole, for example, its history, expressive possibilities, rules and tendencies of language development in a definite period of time. All of these are possible only due to the deep penetration of the researchers to the creative laboratory of the writer. 
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study, conditioned by the aims and task set before the research, requires the following methods: semantic – contextual and functional analysis of metaphors; descriptive method of various approaches to the use and nature of metaphors; the method of theoretical substantiation of the essence of this stylistic device; method of continuous sampling of the actual language material; the method of comparative-typology.

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [128,73 Kb] (yüklənib: 37)

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