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İlahe Sahib kızı Yusifli
Erciyes Üniversitesi, Yakınçağ Tarihi Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi,, 
Kayseri/Türkiye  [email protected]
Doç. Dr. Cengiz Yüksel oğlu Kartın
Erciyes Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü,
Kayseri/Türkiye [email protected]


Anahtar Kelimeler: Kafkas İslam Ordusu, Dnesterfors, Rus Devrimi, Azerbaycan Halk Cumhuriyeti, Osmanlı Devleti 

Activities of The Caucasian Islamic Army to save Baku
In 1917, after the October and February revolutions in Russia, peoples were given "Self-determination." After this law, all peoples who were captured by tsarist rule began to fight for independence. Azerbaijan has also joined this struggle. Azerbaijan, which gained independence on May 28, 1918, needed power to maintain independence. This power was allowed by the Batumi Treaty, which was associated with the Ottoman state. Because of that, the Ottoman state undertook to send military assistance to Azerbaijan. With this section As a result, the Caucasian Islamic Army would come to Azerbaijan, clear region of foreign troops, help Azerbaijan maintain independence, and help establish an army.
Since the need for oil increased in World War I, the state that occupied Baku would have great superiority. For this reason, Great Britain had an army in Azerbaijan.
The Baku victory of the Caucasian Islamic Army is one of three victories won during the First World War. It further strengthened the brotherhood between the two states. For this reason, the Islamic Army of the Caucasus is one of the glorious pages of the history of Azerbaijan and Turkey.
The article will assess the activities of the Caucasian Islamic Army to liberate Baku.
Key words: Caucasian Islamic Army, Dniesterforce, Russian Revolution, Azerbaijan Democratıc Republic, Ottoman State
[1] Makale Eciyez Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsüde yürütülen “İngilizlerin Kafkasya Politikası ve Kafkas İslam Ordusuna Münasebeti (1918-1920)” tezinden yararlanarak hazırlanmıştır

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