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전화금융사기 범죄에 대한 한국사회의 대응

Controlling Tele-Financial Fraud in Korea: Lessons from Taiwan's Experiences

약어 : 형사정책
2010 vol.22, no.1, pp.9 - 49
DOI : 10.36999/kjc.2010.22.1.9
발행기관 : 한국형사정책학회
연구분야 : 법학
Copyright © 한국형사정책학회
129 회 열람

This article aims to review our reactions against tele-financial fraud(voice phishing) and explore the appropriate ways how to respond the similar situations, through comparing the experiences of Taiwan. Taiwan government quickly coped with the new telephone cheating. Not just was assigned the police authority the task of controlling new fraud, but the government and private sectors concerned were all together joined to get the diagnosis of the phenomenon and tried to take actions. The task force was formed to receive the victims' call and deal with to investigate the crime within Taiwan national police, and financial and communication sectors had a responsibility to share in preventing telephone fraud. The distinctive features that Taiwan government showed in responding to the new fraud was forming a consultative body including the departments of all sectors concerned with the problem and organically divided up the specified activities such as communication supervision, financial monitoring, education and information for preventing telephone fraud, and arresting fraud groups, etc. In contrast, although there were a few joint correspondences on governmental basis, police, financial companies, telecommunications companies, and the government regulators took actions individually. Unlike Taiwan, there were no task force of investigation and didn't set up a fraud victim reporting center. Any organic cooperation networks didn't be established and there was no serious consideration about effective forms of advertising or means of communication. In addition, Korean society had few situational approach to prevent crime opportunity in the context of occurrence Our society is also experiencing similar problems of Taiwan, such as an infinite change and displacement of fraudulent means, the difficulty in controlling to circulate illegal borrowed-name bank accounts, having a hard going to work together to investigate the defrauders, and the institutional restrictions of refunding victims' money. Even though we had a chance to analyze the complex issues and problems around tele-financial fraud more early and devise methods for the effective solutions from Taiwan cases, but we didn't use it efficiently. Taiwan case of telephone fraud showed us the possibility of crime displacement cross the border in the age of globalization. It is possible to find a role model for solving an urgent problem from the unfortunate experiences and the unsuccessful policies of other countries. It told us that if we could cope with the new types of crime originated from the advent of high technology, which across borders throughout the world, it would be necessary to cooperate and build up mutual-assistance systems with other countries. From Taiwan's experiences, we could catch the necessity of special research center to analyse various new types of crime and the importance of an early warning system.

전화금융사기, 범죄기회, 범죄의 전이, 상황적 범죄예방, 유기적 협조네트워크
tele-financial fraud, crime opportunity, crime displacement, situational crime prevention, organic cooperation network

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