Wavelet Based Machine Learning Technique to Classify the Different Shoulder Movement of Upper Limb Amputee

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The wavelet transform is an accurate, efficient and efficacious method to improve the quality of the myoelectric signal. Classification of the signal from upper limb using Surface Electromyogram (SEMG) signal has been the matter of extensive research. Number of methods and algorithms have been described by researchers to classify biomedical signals. The main aim of this paper to extract the different coefficient values from the given SEMG data by using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Afterward, random forest machine learning algorithm was used to identify the different shoulder movement of an upper limb amputee. The combination of wavelet coefficients and random forest exhibited the best performance with 99.2% accuracy for the classification of different shoulder motions. It was found that the different motion can be identified accurately and provide the fundamental information to develop an efficient prosthetic device.

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