Flexural Capacities of One-Way Hollow Slab with Donut Type Hollow Sphere

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This paper presents the flexural capacities of one-way hollow slab with donut type hollow sphere. Recently, various types of slab systems which can reduce self-weight of slabs have been studied as the height and width of building structures rapidly increase. A biaxial hollow slab system is widely known as one of the effective slab system which can reduce self-weight of slab. A biaxial hollow slab has hollow spheres within slabs in order to reduce self-weight of slabs. The capacities of biaxial hollow slab are influenced by the shapes, volume and materials of hollow spheres. According to analytical studies, the hollow slab with donut type hollow sphere had good flexural capacities such as strength, stiffness and deflection. To verify the flexural capacities of this hollow slab, flexural tests were performed on the one-way hollow slabs. Five test specimens were used for test parameters. One was conventional RC slab and others were hollow slabs. The test parameters included two different shapes and materials of plastic balls. The shape parameters were donut and non-donut forms. And the material parameters were general plastic and glass fiber plastic.

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