Sintering Simplified: Surface Area, Density, and Grain Size Relations

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Sintering involves several interactions as particles bond and enable microstructure evolution toward a minimized energy condition, resulting in a complex interplay of measurement parameters. Overriding the evolution is energy minimization, and from that perspective some simple relations emerge. The natural progression is determined by energy reduction, measured by surface area, density, and grain boundary area (grain size). Contrary to the usual sintering analysis that starts with atomic level mass transport mechanisms, presented here is an approach that links to global energy reduction during sintering to simple monitors. Initially sintering converts surface area into lower energy grain boundary area. Subsequently grain growth annihilates grain boundary area. Thus, grain boundary area peaks at intermediate sintered densities, while surface area continuously declines. The trajectory follows a straightforward dependence on density as illustrated using data for a wide variety of materials and consolidation conditions.

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