Interdisciplinary Bio Central
18 July 2011
Brianna Pearson | Kin H. Lau | Will DeLoache | Pallavi Penumetcha | Victoria G. Rinker | Alicia Allen | Robert Cool | Erin Feeney | John Igo | Todd T. Eckdahl | Xiao Zhu | Madeline Parra | Kristi Muscalino | Aaron Lewis | Andrew Gordon | Kelly Davis | James Barron | Karlesha Roland | Jeffrey L. Poet | Laurie J. Heyer | A Malcolm,Campbell

The publisher of this work supports multiple resolution. The work is available from the following locations:

debug {'doi': '10.4051/ibc.2011.3.3.0010', 'member_id': '2491', 'member': 'Korean Society for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology', 'container-title': 'Interdisciplinary Bio Central', 'primary-resource': '', 'tld': '', 'clearbit-logo': '/static/no_logo.svg', 'coaccess': [], 'multiple-resolution': [{'url': '', 'tld': '', 'clearbit-logo': ''}], 'type': 'JOURNAL ARTICLE', 'published_date': '18 July 2011', 'publication': 'Interdisciplinary Bio Central', 'supplementary_ids': None, 'title': 'Bacterial Hash Function Using DNA-Based XOR Logic Reveals Unexpected Behavior of the LuxR Promoter', 'name': None, 'id': None, 'location': None, 'display_doi': '', 'grant_info': None, 'editors': None, 'authors': 'Brianna Pearson | Kin H. Lau | Will DeLoache | Pallavi Penumetcha | Victoria G. Rinker | Alicia Allen | Robert Cool | Erin Feeney | John Igo | Todd T. Eckdahl | Xiao Zhu | Madeline Parra | Kristi Muscalino | Aaron Lewis | Andrew Gordon | Kelly Davis | James Barron | Karlesha Roland | Jeffrey L. Poet | Laurie J. Heyer | A Malcolm,Campbell', 'chairs': None}
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