In this chapter we discuss the implementation of teaching practice research in cooperation with work communities based on the practice research module that has been offered at the University of Helsinki since 2008 as a part of the MSW degree programme. We are interested in which critical factors should be taken into account as the students conduct their practice research in the work communities in order for the practice research process to go smoothly and be successful. First we discuss the pedagogical foundation of the practice research module – trialogical learning – and how the module is built around it. After this we describe the practical implementation of the course. We continue the article by analysing critical factors connected to the practice research process. We examine these through previously published texts and studies about the practice research module at the University of Helsinki, as well as our own experiences as teachers of the module. Based on our analysis, the factors we have recognised as being significant to the success of students’ practice research processes are connected to integrating into the work community, the work community’s expectations for the practice research, the students’ understanding of practice research and its role as a part of their studies, and research permission processes and solving ethical research conflicts. At the end we present a checklist for teachers planning a practice research module.