The Archives of Ophthalmological Research aims to publish issues related to publish articles of the highest scientific and clinical value at an international level, and accepts articles on these topics. The target audience of the journal included specialists and physicians working in ophthalmology, and other health professionals interested in these fields.

EndNote Style
Case Report
Reverse straatsma syndrome and lamellar cataract: a case report and review of the literature
Myelinated retinal nerve fiber (MRNF) is a developmental anomaly that is often detected during routine ophthalmological examination, but can be an ocular finding in a wide variety of diseases. An important example of this group is the Straatsma Syndrome. Straatsma Syndrome is an entity that presents with the triad of myopia, amblyopia, and MRNF. When this triad is accompanied by hyperopia instead of myopia, it is referred to as the Reverse Straatsma Syndrome. Here, we present a case of Reverse Straatsma Syndrome accompanied by lamellar congenital cataracts.

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10. Blanca CP, Isabel PC, Sergio IM, Candela CL, Honorio BG, EnriqueEG. Straatsma syndrome and cataract: case report and review of theliterature. Rom J Ophthalmol. 2023;67(4):416-418.
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 13-15