Fair distribution of wealth in Libya using the general budget " Case Study "

Alsanusi Mohamed Alzawam (1)
(1) Department of Accounting, Faculty of Commerce and Political Science, Sebha University, Libya


The research dealt with the use of the state's general budget as a tool that helps in setting up a mechanism for the equitable distribution of wealth. Or income, and on the applied side, the researcher reviewed the proposed mechanism and the principles and criteria used in it based on the three Libyan historical regions in order to achieve the main goal of the research, which is to find a mechanism that can be adopted for planning and estimating public expenditures of the state that contribute to achieving the goals of spatial and sustainable development. The researcher concluded that the preparation of the general budget of the state in Libya in the current form does not meet the requirements and needs of the Libyan regions and cities for not following sound foundations and standards that achieve fair distribution in the development section. It recommends the need for a mechanism to manage and distribute wealth in Libya, which contributes to achieving political stability and gaining the confidence of investors.

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Alsanusi Mohamed Alzawam
als.albhlul@sebhau.edu.ly (Primary Contact)
Alzawam ا. م. (2023). Fair distribution of wealth in Libya using the general budget " Case Study ". Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(2), 61–67. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v22i2.2578

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