Textbooks for the teaching of te reo Māori

Time for change?

  • Sophie Nock
    University of Waikato, New Zealand


As part of a recent study of the teaching and learning of te reo Māori (the Māori language) in English-medium secondary schools in Aotearoa/New Zealand, I asked a sample of teachers which textbooks they used. I then analysed some of those textbooks that were referred to most often, using focus points derived from a review of literature on the design of textbooks for the teaching of additional languages. What I found was that the textbooks analysed were inconsistent with the relevant curriculum guidelines document and were also problematic in a number of other ways. This article discusses a number of the problematic concerns and outlines what would be involved in designing more effective textbooks for Indigenous languages, and textbooks that are in line with current research findings.

Published: 2017-01-01
Pages:1 to 16
Section: Articles
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How to Cite
Nock, S. (2017). Textbooks for the teaching of te reo Māori: Time for change?. International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, 10(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcis.v10i1.149