Published February 7, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Image Synthesis with a Convolutional Capsule Generative Adversarial Network- Dataset


  • 1. Imperial College London


Dataset of 152 two-photon images (512x512) of axons with segmentation labels. 

We combined data from two published sources (Bass et al., 2017; Canty et al., 2018) to get 152 (512×512) 2D images (produced from 3D image stacks), and manually produced the corresponding labels. These images were collected using in-vivo two-photon microscopy from the mouse somatosensory cortex.  To generate the 2D images, we used a max projection over the 3D stack. The labels are binary segmentation maps of the axons.

This dataset is split into a train (132 images) and test (20 images) sets. The raw 2D images of axons are in /original folder, and the segmentation labels are in /mask folder.

Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:

Bass, C., Dai, T., Billot, B.,  Arulkumaran, K., Creswell, A., Clopath, C., De Paola, V., and Bharath, A. A., 2019. “Image synthesis with a convolutional capsule generative adversarial network,” Medial Imaging with Deep Learning.

This dataset was complied from the following publications:
Bass, C., Helkkula, P., De Paola, V., Clopath, C. and Bharath, A.A., 2017. Detection of axonal synapses in 3D two-photon images. PloS one, 12(9), p.e0183309.
Canty, A.J., Jackson, J.S., Huang, L., Trabalza, A., Bass, C., Little, G. and De Paola, V., 2018. Single-axon-resolution intravital imaging reveals a rapid onset form of Wallerian degeneration in the adult neocortex. bioRxiv, p.391425.


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  • Bass, C., Dai, T., Billot, B.,  Arulkumaran, K., Creswell, A., Clopath, C., De Paola, V., and Bharath, A. A., 2018. "Image synthesis with a convolutional capsule generative adversarial network," Open Review.
  • Bass, C., Helkkula, P., De Paola, V., Clopath, C. and Bharath, A.A., 2017. Detection of axonal synapses in 3D two-photon images. PloS one, 12(9), p.e0183309.
  • Canty, A.J., Jackson, J.S., Huang, L., Trabalza, A., Bass, C., Little, G. and De Paola, V., 2018. Single-axon-resolution intravital imaging reveals a rapid onset form of Wallerian degeneration in the adult neocortex. bioRxiv, p.391425.