Published July 29, 2019 | Version v1
Video/Audio Open

De viris mulieribusque illustribus: ERC Our Mythical Childhood & Schools (2019) - movie

  • 1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of "Artes Liberales"
  • 2. "Strumienie" High School in Józefów, Poland
  • 3. Mikołaj Rej XI High School, Warsaw
  • 4. Bartłomiej Nowodworski I High School in Cracow, Poland
  • 5. Nicolaus Copernicus University Academic Junior and Senior High School in Toruń, Poland


A movie from the school endeavour “De viris mulieribusque illustribus”: Bartłomiej Nowodworski I High School in Cracow, Mikołaj Rej XI High School in Warsaw, Nicolaus Copernicus University Academic High School in Toruń, and Strumienie High School in Józefów, in cooperation with the Our Mythical Childhood project (ERC Consolidator Grant 681202) and the Cluster: The Past for the Present, May 2019, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw. Panel at Polish Theatre in Warsaw, during the conference “Our Mythical History: Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to the Heritage of Ancient Greece and Rome” on 23rd May 2019.

The video is available here:


movie in Polish with English subtitles


Files (45.5 MB)

Additional details


OurMythicalChildhood – Our Mythical Childhood... The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges 681202
European Commission