Published December 3, 2022 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Power of attorney in administrative procedures: General principles and credibility assessment



A party’s proxy often plays a very important role in administrative proceedings, including in the course of applying for international protection. The institution of a proxy is closely related to the need to strengthen the position of a party to proceedings vis-à-vis the public administration. One has to fully agree with the statement that ‘the right to support and representation is recognised as one of the canons of administrative proceedings in view of European standards’,5 and the right to appoint an attorney guarantees ‘a fuller realisation of the principle of active participation of a party in administrative proceedings’.


Princ M., Power of attorney in administrative procedures General principles and credibility assessment.pdf

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  • H. Knysiak-Molczyk (2013). 'Konstrukcja prawna pełnomocnictwa procesowego' [Legal structure of the power of attorney]. In: K. Knysiak-Molczyk (ed.). Czynności procesowe zawodowego pełnomocnika w sprawach administracyjnych i sądowoadministracyjnych [Procedural acts of a professional representative in administrative and judicial-administrative cases]. Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer.
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  • Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw of 29 April 1998, IV SA 1044/96, LEX 45639.
  • P.M. Przybysz In: Code of Administrative Procedure. Commentary updated, LEX/el. 2021.
  • Z. Janowicz (1999). Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego. Komentarz [Code of Administrative Procedure: Commentary]. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Prawnicze PWN.
  • Judgment of the NSA in Warsaw of 16 June 1998, III SA 1597/96, LEX 35482.
  • Judgment of the NSA of 29 July 2016, II FSK 87/16, LEX 2101631.
  • A. Wróbel In: M. Jaśkowska, M. Wilbrandt-Gotowicz, A. Wróbel (2020). Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego. Komentarz [Code of Administrative Procedure: Commentary]. Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer, LEX.
  • A. Golęba In: H. Knysiak-Sudyka (ed.) (2019). Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego. Komentarz [Code of Administrative Procedure: Commentary]. Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer, LEX.
  • Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 29 July 2016, II FSK 87/16, LEX 2101631.