Published December 29, 2022 | Version 1.4
Project deliverable Open

D4.3 Final version of SETAs


  • 1. INESC ID, Portugal


This deliverable is a code deliverable, serving as a guiding source to all the code and documentation of the different modules that were developed as part of WP4. It does not contain detailed explanations of neither the modules nor the code: one should see D4.4 and the documentations here linked, respectively, for that information.
The deliverable begins with a very brief explanation of the modular approach taken when developing the Socio-Emotional Testing Agents of WP4 and then presents a very brief explanation of each module along with links to the code and documentation of each module.


D4.3 - Final version of SETAs-final.pdf

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iv4XR – Intelligent Verification/Validation for Extended Reality Based Systems 856716
European Commission