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SOLCUS: Update On Point-of-Care Ultrasound In Special Operations Medicine

Spring 2016

Hampton K, Vasios WN, Loos PE. 16(1). 58 - 61. (Journal Article)


Point-of-care ultrasonography has been recognized as a relevant and versatile tool in Special Operations Forces (SOF) medicine. The Special Operator Level Clinical Ultrasound (SOLCUS) program has been developed specifically for SOF Medics. A number of challenges, including skill sustainment, high-volume training, and quality assurance, have been identified. Potential solutions, including changes to content delivery methods and application of tele-ultrasound, are described in this article. Given the shift in operational context toward extended care in austere environments, a curriculum adjustment for the SOLCUS program is also proposed.

Keywords: ultrasound, point-of-care; ultrasound, prehospital; tele-ultrasound; ultrasound, clinical, Special Operator level

PMID: 27045495

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