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Ether Anesthesia in the Austere Environment: An Exposure and Education

Summer 2018

Morgans LB, Graham N. 18(2). 142 - 146. (Journal Article)


Medical services in the austere and limited environment often require therapeutics and practices uncommon in modern times due to a lack of availability, affordability, or expertise in remote areas. In this setting, diethyl ether, or simply ether anesthesia, still serves a role today as an effective inhalation agent. An understanding of ether as an anesthetic not only illustrates the evolution in surgical anesthesia but also demonstrates ether's surviving function and durable use as a practical agent in developing nations. Although uncommon, it is not unseen, so a working knowledge should be understood if observation and advocacy for patients receiving this method of anesthesia are experienced.

Keywords: austere; primitive; anesthesia; ether; diethyl-ether; inhalation agents; drawover; unconventional medicine

PMID: 29889973

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