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Endovascular Resuscitation Techniques for Severe Hemorrhagic Shock and Traumatic Arrest in the Presurgical Setting

Summer 2013

True NA, Siler S, Manning JE. 13(2). 33 - 37. (Journal Article)


Novel aortic catheter-based resuscitation interventions aimed at control of noncompressible torso hemorrhage and resuscitative perfusion are undergoing active research and development. These methods have been reported as resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta, selective aortic arch perfusion, and profound hypothermia (emergency preservation and resuscitation). These interventions are advanced options to treat noncompressible torso hemorrhage and hemorrhage-induced traumatic cardiac arrest in the presurgical environment. However, to achieve maximum potential benefit, such interventions need to be initiated as soon as possible. This means that these advanced interventions should be adapted for use in austere military treatment facilities and, when feasible, initiated at the point of injury. This report argues for the feasibility of advanced endovascular resuscitation interventions in the austere military theater.

Keywords: resuscitation; traumatic hemorrhage; noncompressible torso hemorrhage; traumatic cardiac arrest; technology; austere setting; hemorrhagic shock

PMID: 23817876

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