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Staphylococcus sciuri: An Entomological Case Study and a Brief Review of the Literature

Spring 2015

Washington M, Kajiura L, Leong MK, Agee W, Barnhill JC. 15(1). 100 - 104. (Journal Article)


Staphylococcus sciuri is an emerging gram-positive bacterial pathogen that is infrequently isolated from cases of human disease. This organism is capable of rapid conversion from a state of methicillin sensitivity to a state of methicillin resistance and has been shown to express a set of highly effective virulence factors. The antibioticresistance breakpoints of S. sciuri differ significantly from the more common Staphylococcus species. Therefore, the rapid identification of S. sciuri in clinical material is a prerequisite for the proper determination of the antibiotic- resistance profile and the rapid initiation of antimicrobial therapy. Here, we present a brief literature review of S. sciuri and an entomological case study in which we describe the colonization of an American cockroach with this agent. In addition, we discuss potential implications for the distribution and evolution of antibiotic- resistant members of the genus Staphylococcus.

Keywords: bacteriology; entomology; operating environment; preventive medicine

PMID: 25770806

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