The Commercialization and Changes of Urban Fabric and Architecture at Hwayang-dong Residential Area in Seoul

서울 화양동 주거지역의 도시조직과 상업화에 따른 건축물의 변화

  • 이지연 ((주)솔리데오시스템즈) ;
  • 김성홍 (서울시립대학교 건축학부)
  • Published : 2013.01.25


The paper examines the urban fabric and architecture of Hwayang-dong in Seoul, a typical residential area developed by Land Readjustment (LR) Project in the late 1960s. LR was the major urban land development tool to make the residential areas outside the city center of Seoul from the 1960s to the 1980s. About 40% of Seoul's urbanized areas were formed by LR. The paper analyzed the changes in streets, blocks, plots, and buildings at Hwayang-dong from the 1960s to the 2000s. The studied area was filled with one-story single-family detached houses as initially planned by LR from 1967 to 1977. During 1978 and 1987 the existing houses were partially modified and vertically expanded. Between 1988 and 1997 most houses were demolished and medium-scale multi-family houses or mixed use buildings were built under the pressure of commercialization. The period between 1998 and 2007 was the last phase that the area was transformed into the commercialized area with the implementation of District Unit Plan 2000. The paper classified 75 buildings at the studied area into six types; Vertical Addition of Single Family House (R-1), Vertical Addition and Transformed into Commercial Use (RC-1), Rebuilt as Single Family House and Transformed into Commercial Use (RC-2), Rebuilt as Multi-Family House (M-1), Rebuilt as Residential and Commercial Complex (RC-3), Rebuilt as Commercial Building (C-1). Through these phases over the 40 years the Hwayang-dong area has been transformed from the residential area into commercialized area.



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