Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Mood and quality of life changes in pregnancy and postpartum and the effect of a behavioral intervention targeting excess gestational weight gain in women with overweight and obesity: a parallel-arm randomized controlled pilot trial

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-29, 05:00 authored by Abby Altazan, Leanne Redman, Jeffrey Burton, Robbie Beyl, Loren Cain, Elizabeth Sutton, Corby Martin
SmartMomsÂŽ Intervention Lessons. Intervention lesson topics and delivery outline included in the SmartMomsÂŽ Intervention In-Person and Phone groups. An example. Lesson titled Motivation and Goal Setting was included to demonstrate the layout of SmartMomsÂŽ Intervention lesson topics. (DOCX 216 kb)


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
