Springer Nature
40813_2019_130_MOESM1_ESM.docx (16.41 kB)

MOESM1 of Cross-sectional study of seropositivity, lung lesions and associated risk factors of the main pathogens of Porcine Respiratory Diseases Complex (PRDC) in Goiás, Brazil

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-10-15, 05:49 authored by José Galdeano, Thaís Baraldi, Maria Ferraz, Henrique Souza Almeida, Marina Mechler-Dreibi, Willian Costa, Hélio Montassier, Luis Mathias, Luís Oliveira
Additional file 1. Description of the occurrence of the variables investigated as risk factors and their respective frequencies in the herds sampled in the state of Goiás, Brazil.


Ceva Saúde Animal
