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Additional file 19: Figure S18. of Defining the transcriptomic landscape of the developing enteric nervous system and its cellular environment

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posted on 2017-04-12, 05:00 authored by Sweta Roy-Carson, Kevin Natukunda, Hsien-chao Chou, Narinder Pal, Caitlin Farris, Stephan Schneider, Julie Kuhlman
Top significant GO terms from the Cellular component category in non-neurons. To identify and visualize some of the top significant GO terms, a bar graph was plotted with the top nodes based on the p-value. The y-axis shows the top 25 GO terms for the cellular component, while the x-axis shows the corresponding –log(p-value). The nodes with significant p-values beyond the 25th category were too low to be plotted. The specific values for the 25 nodes can be found in the additional file 21. (JPG 63.7 kb)


Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust
