
Golgi tethering factor golgin-97 suppresses breast cancer cell invasiveness by modulating NF-κB activity

Posted on 2018-04-27 - 05:00
Abstract Background Golgin-97 is a tethering factor in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and is crucial for vesicular trafficking and maintaining cell polarity. However, the significance of golgin-97 in human diseases such as cancer remains unclear. Methods We searched for a potential role of golgin-97 in cancers using Kaplan-Meier Plotter ( ) and Oncomine ( ) datasets. Specific functions of golgin-97 in migration and invasion were examined in golgin-97-knockdown and golgin-97-overexpressing cells. cDNA microarray, pathway analysis and qPCR were used to identify gene profiles regulated by golgin-97. The role of golgin-97 in NF-κB signaling pathway was examined by using subcellular fractionation, luciferase reporter assay, western blot analysis and immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Results We found that low expression of golgin-97 correlated with poor overall survival of cancer patients and was associated with invasiveness in breast cancer cells. Golgin-97 knockdown promoted cell migration and invasion, whereas re-expression of golgin-97 restored the above phenotypes in breast cancer cells. Microarray and pathway analyses revealed that golgin-97 knockdown induced the expression of several invasion-promoting genes that were transcriptionally regulated by NF-κB p65. Mechanistically, golgin-97 knockdown significantly reduced IκBα protein levels and activated NF-κB, whereas neither IκBα levels nor NF-κB activity was changed in TGN46- or GCC185-knockdown cells. Conversely, golgin-97 overexpression suppressed NF-κB activity and restored the levels of IκBα in golgin-97-knockdown cells. Interestingly, the results of Golgi-disturbing agent treatment revealed that the loss of Golgi integrity was not involved in the NF-κB activation induced by golgin-97 knockdown. Moreover, both TGN-bound and cytosolic golgin-97 inhibited NF-κB activation, indicating that golgin-97 functions as an NF-κB suppressor regardless of its subcellular localization. Conclusion Our results collectively demonstrate a novel and suppressive role of golgin-97 in cancer invasiveness. We also provide a new avenue for exploring the relationship between the TGN, golgin-97 and NF-κB signaling in tumor progression.


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