Compatibility of Double Cropping of Winter Wheat - Summer Grain Crops in Paddy Field of Southern Korea

남부지역 논의 밀 이모작에서 하계 곡실작물 도입의 적합성

  • Seo, Jong-Ho (Paddy Crop Research Division, Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Hwang, Chung-Dong (Paddy Crop Research Division, Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science) ;
  • Oh, Seong-Hwan (Paddy Crop Research Division, Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science)
  • 서종호 (국립식량과학원 남부작물부 논이용작물과) ;
  • 황정동 (국립식량과학원 남부작물부 논이용작물과) ;
  • 오성환 (국립식량과학원 남부작물부 논이용작물과)
  • Received : 2020.10.05
  • Accepted : 2020.12.24
  • Published : 2021.03.01


The growth period and productivity of cropping system of winter wheat-rice, winter wheat-bean and winter wheat-grain corn for 4 years from 2015 to 2018 were compared at the experimental field of National Institute of Crop Science in Miryang city. The harvest period of winter wheat was in mid-June, and summer crops were sown (transplanted) in late June. In transplanting of rice in late June, there was no difficulty in securing the heading of panicle and the yield of rice, but there was a lot of trouble in sowing wheat in proper time because the harvest time of rice was delayed to early November due to late maturity of rice, particularly in the mid-late maturing cultivar. There was no problem in soybean planting after winter wheat because the proper period of soybean planting is late-June. In addition, there was no problem in winter wheat sowng after soybean because the maturity period of soybean was mid-October. Selection of grain maize in double cropping with winter wheat in terms of growing periods, was desirable because grain maize had the fastest maturity among summer crops. In double cropping of winter wheat-summer crops, wheats combined with soybean and grain maize showed stable yields during three years, but there was a risk of yield declines in the wheat combined with rice in heavy rainfall year. It was possible to secure high yields in three summer crops as yields of rice, soybean, and corn were 600, 350, and 800 kg/10a, respectively. Summer crops with medium maturity was recommended because of no significant difference in yield between medium maturity and medium-late maturity cultivar. Soil physical properties were improved in soils cultivated with soybean and grain maize. Therefore, It was thought that double cropping systems of winter wheat with soybean and grain maize were superior to that of winter wheat with rice in terms of connecting period between winter wheat - summer crops and improvement of soil physical properties, and total income, particularly in soybean.

남부지역 논에서 식량작물을 최대로 생산하기 위해 밀양시 국립식량과학원 시험포장에서 2015~2018년의 4년 동안 겨울밀-벼, 겨울밀-콩 및 겨울밀-곡실용옥수수의 이모작 체계의 생육기간 및 생산성을 비교하였다. 밀의 수확적기는 6월 중순으로 하작물은 6월 하순에 파종(이앙)이 가능하였다. 벼의 6월 하순 이앙 시 안전출수와 벼의 수량성 확보에는 지장이 없었지만 가을에 성숙기가 늦어 뒷그루 밀 파종에는 지장이 많았으며, 특히 중만생종 벼의 경우 수확기가 11월 상순으로 늦추어져 밀의 적기파종이 어려웠다. 콩은 6월 하순이 파종적기이므로 작기상 큰 문제가 없었으며 성숙기도 10월 중순으로 11월 상순의밀 파종에 큰 무리가 없었다. 곡실용옥수수는 6월 하순 파종 시 성숙기가 가장 빨라 밀과의 이모작에서 작기상 가장 유리하였다. 겨울밀-하작물 이모작에서 밀은 콩과 곡실용옥수수 후작에서는 안정적인 수량성을 얻을 수 있었지만 벼의 후작에서는 강우가 많은 해에는 수량이 감소할 위험성이 있었다. 벼, 콩, 곡실용옥수수의 수량성은 각각 600, 350, 800 kg/10a로 높은 수량성 확보가 가능하였고 중생종과 중만생종간의 수량성에 큰 차이를 보이지 않아 중생종이 만생종보다 이모작에 유리하였다. 토양 물리성에서도 콩과 옥수수 등 밭작물의 도입 시 물리성이 좋아지는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 남부지역 논에서 밀-콩/곡실용옥수수 이모작은 작기 연결성 및 토양개선, 소득성(콩)에서 밀-벼 이모작보다 우수한 것으로 나타났다.



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