
Education Needs Assessment for Kisumu City, Kenya

Maoulidi, Moumie

The current needs assessment report takes stock of recent achievements in the education sector and highlights remaining challenges that need to be addressed in order for Kisumu to achieve the United National Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the target date of 2015, which means ensuring that all children have access to primary education and reducing gender disparities at every level. Data and information gathered during the mission indicate that the demand for education in Kisumu has surged since the introduction of free primary education (FPE) in 2003 and that there has been progress towards greater parity between boys and girls at the primary school level. However, this needs assessment finds that the city still faces several challenges that threaten to undermine the attainment of the MDGs in education.

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  • thumnail for Kisumu-Education-Report-3-9-10.pdf Kisumu-Education-Report-3-9-10.pdf application/pdf 825 KB Download File

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Academic Units
Millennium Cities Initiative
Millennium Cities Initiative
MCI Social Sector Working Paper Series, 1/2008
Published Here
May 10, 2010