What a Clinical Hematologist Should Know about T Cells?

Sanjeev Kumar Sharma *

Department of Hemato-Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation, BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi 110005, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


T cell’s journey begins from the bone marrow and ends in the peripheral tissues by either fighting the infections or residing in the secondary lymphoid organs as memory T cell. Thymus plays most important role in transforming a docile T cell precursor into a warrior. T cell is one of the most important cells in health and disease. Various diseases originate from qualitative or quantitative defects in T cells leading to various inherited and acquired diseases. This simple and short review is focused on the basic understanding and clinical hematologist’s perspective of T cells.

Keywords: T cells, thymus, T cell receptor, autoimmune diseases, severe combined immunodeficiency, hematopoietic stem cell transplant, graft-versus-host disease, leukemia, lymphoma, aging, CAR-T cell, checkpoint inhibitors.

How to Cite

Sharma, S. K. (2020). What a Clinical Hematologist Should Know about T Cells?. International Blood Research & Reviews, 11(4), 20–32. https://doi.org/10.9734/ibrr/2020/v11i430137


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