Innovative Technologies in Agriculture
Alexander Nikitin1, Natalia Kuzicheva2
1Alexander Nikitin, Department of Management and Business Administration, Michurinsk State Agrarian University, Michurinsk, Russia.
2Natalia Kuzicheva, Department of Management and Business Administration, Michurinsk State Agrarian University, Michurinsk, Russia.

Manuscript received on November 10, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on November 17, 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 November, 2019. | PP: 3802-3807 | Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019. | Retrieval Number: D8173118419/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D8173.118419

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Abstract: Agriculture is a key industry for solving problems on food security, economic and environmental sustainability. Due to this, issues of restoring the industry intensity are becoming vital. In the article it is emphasized that this process should be implemented through an evolutionary transition to the fifth technological mode. This implies bringing the number of agricultural machinery to standard values and its subsequent equipping with means of information control over the operation of all technical systems, as well as parallel driving. The search for ways to restore soil fertility by using biologization of agriculture is becoming highly relevant under the conditions of increasing toxicity of chemical mineral fertilizers remaining in soils, the acute imbalance and nutrient deficiency. The Russian agriculture should be reindustrialized by using achievements of biotechnology. The use of the biological product system of fertilizers and the protection of plants from pests and diseases should result in the widespread development of the organic agricultural production. However, the availability of innovative technologies remains low for most agricultural producers. The reason for this situation is the low intensity of the reproduction process in the industry, accompanied by low profitability of agribusiness. The state should motivate the transition to innovative agricultural production technologies. On the one hand, it should initiate the creation of enterprises on producing resources for using innovative technologies in agriculture, and on the other hand, – regulate the intersectoral redistribution of the created value, avoiding the “zero” profitability of production among participants of production systems, and, on the third hand, – maintain or increase the profitable part of the budget.
Keywords: Agriculture, Allocation, Biotechnology, Industrialization, Informatization, Technological Mode.
Scope of the Article: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies.