IoT Based Smart Farming: Applications, Technologies and Future Vision
N Penchalaiah1, Jaladanki Nelson Emmanuel2, S Suraj Kamal3, C V Lakshmi Narayana4
1N Penchalaiah, Research scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur, India, and Assistant professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Rajampet.
2Dr. Jaladanki Nelson Emmanuel, Professor, Department of CSE, University of Technology, Jaipur, India.
3S Suraj kamal, , Research scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur, India, and Assistant professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Rajampet,
4C V Lakshmi Narayana, , Research scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur, India, and Assistant professor, Department of CSE, AITS, Rajampet, Email:

Manuscript received on November 12, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on November 25, 2019. | Manuscript published on 30 November, 2019. | PP: 6129-6134 | Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019. | Retrieval Number: D8826118419/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D8826.118419

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Abstract: Agriculture is our main economic occupation for ages. But agriculture is primarily limited by the migration of people from rural to urban. To solve this problem, we will use IoT to develop smart agriculture techniques. The Internet of Things (IoT) technological developments has created a revolution in every common field of life, intelligent and smart. IoT refers to a network of things that create their own network. The development of IoT-based Intelligent Smart Farming equipment turns the face of farm manufacturing every day not only into an improvement, it also makes it cost-efficient and reduces waste. The primary objective of the project is to make agriculture intelligent through automation and IoT.
Keywords: Iot, Smart Agriculture, Agriculture Framework.
Scope of the Article: Agricultural Informatics and Communication.