Януш-Леон Вишневський-романіст: особливості творчої манери


  Сторінки 82-85, Випуск 19, 2020 рік

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2415-7929-2019-19-16
Надійшла / Paper received : 28.09.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 02.11.2020

Олійник Л. В.
Хмельницького національного університету

 Oliynyk L.
Khmelnytsky National University

 Анотація мовою оригіналу

У статті розглянуто творчість польського автора Януша-Леона Вишневського та вказано на особливості його творчої манери. Зокрема зазначено, що творчість письменника у сучасній європейській романістиці є непересічним явищем. Вона характеризується тематичним багатством, зверненням як до традиційних для літератури тем, так і до проблем сучасності. Крім того, відзначено, що Я. Вишневський є знавцем людської психології загалом та жіночої зокрема.
Ключові слова: сучасна література, постмодернізм, творча манера, жанр, роман, оповідання, тематика, образи.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The article considers the work of Polish author Janusz-Leon Wisniewski. The peculiarities of his creative manner are indicated. It is noted that the work of the writer in modern European novels is an extraordinary phenomenon.
It is characterized by thematic richness, appeal to both traditional topics for literature and contemporary problems. In addition, it is noted that J. Vyshnevsky is an expert on human psychology in general and women’s psychology in particular.
At the beginning of the XXI century. a new name appeared in Polish literature – Janusz Leon Wisniewski – Doctor of Informatics and Chemistry, the most popular writer in modern Poland. He is responsible for developing software in the chemical industry. J. Vyshnevsky is a co-author of the first computer software product in the world, based on the automatic creation of systematic names of organic compounds based on their structural formulas. The author’s unique artistic world was presented for Polish and world literature in the first novel “Loneliness in the Network”, later in small narrative genres and other examples of great prose. The works amaze modern readers with candid pictures of events, psychologism of the image of the characters, current topics of today. J. Vyshnevsky is the author of 22 books, the most famous of which are “Loneliness on the Net” (“S @ motność w sieci”), “Martyna”, “Bikini”, “Why do you need men?” (“Czy mężczyźni są światu potrebne?”), “On Facebook with my son” (“On Facebook with my son”), “Love and other dissonances” (“Czułość oraz inne cząstki elementarne”).
Vyshnevsky does not describe fictional events. His works focus on the real image of reality. The main creative credo of the writer is the true reproduction of the present. He does not depict reality, but analyzes the circumstances of life. Emotions and real stories are always present in the writer’s works. That is why it is easy for the reader to accept, believe and pass the story through his mind.
The author skillfully describes the world of feelings, focuses on the concept of “woman”. It is female images that create the center of the semantic structure of novels, short stories, short stories of the writer. In the works of J. Vyshnevsky it is openly said that he makes his wife, mother, sister, daughter, mistress happy, and destroys their hearts and souls, takes away the desire to live.
Keywords: modern literature, postmodernism, creative style, genre, novel, short stories, themes, images.


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