DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/22.19.15

Author's Information
Author Institutional affilation - Country Author's Email Author's ORCID

Špela Kajič Kmetič

Šolski center Ljubljana - Slovenia



Volume/Issue :
Volume 19
Issue 1

Article type :

Case study

Page No :


Abstract :

Each year, more students, who do not speak Slovene as a first language, are enrolling in schools in Slovenia. Some encounter Slovene for the first time, others already know the basics and are looking to build upon their knowledge. Knowledge starting points are determined with standardized testing. Educators then base courses on the results of these tests. After successfully completing the language course, students achieve the A2 language proficiency level, which is not yet sufficient for successful class participation, so additional work is recommended. In the submission I explain, how we can make traditional lessons more engaging. We can achieve this by including language learning tools such as dictionaries, lexicons, audio databases etc. The use of these tools in the classroom, I believe, should be mandatory, as digitalization is irrevocably changing the nature of our work. In the time of e-learning, every teacher had to adapt to the use of online tools. The opportunities for additional education were many, and veritable learning communities formed. One of these opportunities is the project Inovativna pedagogika 1:1. By including foreign language students in regular classes everybody stands to gain something. It is an opportunity to encounter different cultures, build a culture of dialogue and break taboos. Many have learned that similar problems can have many causes, and that every individual needs opportunities for education and development.

Keywords :

innovative education, foreign language, Slovene as a second/foreign language, language learning tools

References :

Examination center (2022). Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language. https://centerslo.si/en/exams
Franček (2022). ZRC Sazu. https://www.xn--franek-l2a.si/beseda/s024584/jezik
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Knez, M., Kern, D., Klemen, M., Alič, T., & Kralj, K. (2015). Čas za slovenščino 2. Učbenik za začetno učenje slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika za najstnike [Time for Slovenian 2. Textbook for the initial learning of Slovenian as a second and foreign language for teenagers]. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.
Križaj, M., Bešter, M., Končina, M., Poznanovič, M., & Bavdek, M. (2018). Na pragu besedila 2. Delovni zvezek za slovenski jezik v 2. letniku gimnazij in srednjih strokovnih šol [On the threshold of the text 2. Workbook for the Slovenian language in the 2nd year of grammar schools and vocational secondary schools]. Rokus Klett.
Ljubljana. Življenje v Ljubljani med epidemijo [Life in Ljubljana during the epidemic] (2020). Glasilo Mestne občine Ljubljana / Newsletter of the City of Ljubljana, 25(3), 1-48. https://www.ljubljana.si/assets/Uploads/Glasilo-Ljubljana-april-2021.pdf
SAMR model (2022). Center UL za uporabo IKT v pedagoškem procesu. https://digitalna.uni-lj.si/samr/
Slovene for children and teenagers (2022). https://centerslo.si/en/for-children

Cite as :

Kajič Kmetič, Š. (2022). Encouraging the use of language learning tools when teaching Slovene as a second/foreign language. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 19(1), 15-21. https://doi.org/10.48127/gu-nse/22.19.15