The Archived Dialect Heritage and Its Modern Existence
Margarita Koteva
pp. 90 - 100
Title: The Archived Dialect Heritage and Its Modern Existence
Authors: Margarita Koteva

Abstract: The report presents the dialect archives in the Department for Bulgarian Dialectology and Linguistic Geography of the Institute of Bulgarian Language "Prof. L. Andreychin" of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, which include authentic dialect lexis from different regions of the Bulgarian language territory, collected for more than 70 years. The process of collecting dialect material in a card-index and its use in lexicographic and linguo-geographical scientific works is described. The ways for enriching the archived dialectal heritage with new lexical units and the modern means for its preservation and popularization (digitalization, creation of interactive dictionaries, interactive maps, etc.) are indicated. The importance of dialect archives for the study of the history of the Bulgarian literary language and of the traditional folk culture is emphasized.

Keywords: Dialect Archives; Bulgarian Dialect Lexis; Card-Index; Preservation; Digitalization.

Received: 23-12-2022     Accepted: 22-02-2023     Published: 30-06-2023

Citation: Koteva, M. (2023). The Archived Dialect Heritage and Its Modern Existence. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 9(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 90–100. DOI: