Influence des essences forestières arborescentes sur la productivité des bananiers au deuxième cycle cultural à Kinshasa, RDC. - CSN

Influence des essences forestières arborescentes sur la productivité des bananiers au deuxième cycle cultural à Kinshasa, RDC.

Publication Date : 27/03/2024

DOI: 10.59228/rcst.024.v3.i1.73

Author(s) :

Bangata Bitha Nyi Mbunzu Jean Christian, Mobambo Kitume Ngongo Patrick.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1
(03 - 2024)

Abstract :

Silvo-banana systems are an effective response, on the one hand, to the problems of improving banana productivity, and on the other, to the preservation of our forests, especially in regions where deforestation is increasing. In order to improve banana production in Kinshasa, an evaluative study of silvo-banana systems was carried out under Batéké plateau conditions. The aim was to compare different banana-tree associations, in order to determine their impact on banana productivity. Five banana cultivars were combined with twelve tree species, divided into three groups: legumes, non-legumes and fruit trees. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of forest trees on the behavior of banana plants during the second production cycle. These banana plants were derived from successor shoots selected at the end of the first production cycle. With regard to the results obtained with PCA, it should be noted that of the 60 forest-banana associations studied, the most successful (high bun weight and yield) were those formed with the cultivar Nsikumuna in association with: Pterocarpus indicus Willd; Millettia laurentii; Maesopsis eminii Engl; Gmelina arborea Roxb; Eugenia malaccensis L.; Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl; Persea americana; Terminalia superba Anglais. & Diels; Mangifera indica L. and Dacryodes edulis. All these species can be selected and recommended for use in silvobanana systems, with particular emphasis on the first four.

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